Our COVID fogging services are an effective way to protect your team and your customers from this dangerous virus.
One key part of running any business is making sure that your facilities are properly clean and sanitized, and this is especially true in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our team at Steam Source understands that you want to do everything you can to keep your team and your clients safe, and to help you do that, we offer COVID fogging services. In this article, we’ll explain more about how this method works so that you can decide if it’s right for you.
As we all know by now, COVID-19 is transmitted from person to person through aerosolized saliva and mucus particles that contain the virus. While the greatest danger is still the possibility of inhaling these particles directly, there is also a potential risk of picking up the virus from particles that have settled onto surfaces. COVID fogging is a method of providing widespread disinfection quickly and effectively.
With this method, our team uses an antiviral disinfectant, spraying it in a mist to cover a wide area. This mist is then left to evaporate for up to 6 hours, during which time it kills any viruses or pathogens that may be present on that surface, including COVID-19. This method and our skilled team can provide the reliable protection that you and your team need.
We are proud to serve the Winston-Salem, North Carolina community, and we want to help you keep yourselves, your team members, and your clients safe from COVID-19. If you are interested in our COVID fogging services, just give us a call.